Quality & Efficience

Our Managed IT Services


Managed IT Services

Direct your attention to your core business while we handle your technology needs – encompassing network security, IT management, proactive monitoring, and beyond.



Safeguard your business technology through our Essential Security package, comprising risk assessments, vCSO consulting, and additional features.


IT Consulting & Projects

Transitioning to Office 365? Mapping out a disaster recovery strategy? We've guided numerous businesses in executing both straightforward and intricate IT initiatives.


Cloud Services

Leave your digital transformation and cloud management to us. From migration to monitoring, we can help with your cloud needs.


Help Desk

Curious about the potential of Techcan Solution for your needs? Schedule a meeting with us today.


Remote staffing

At Techcan Solution, we understand that Managed Service Providers (MSPs) require top-tier talent to deliver exceptional services to their clients.

Transparent Pricing

Varied approaches exist among IT service providers when it comes to pricing. We recognize the challenges faced by small businesses working within budget constraints, and we make it a priority to maintain transparency in our pricing structure.

Steady Monthly Rate

Through our managed services, you receive a consistent monthly fee determined by user count, enabling you to efficiently allocate funds for your IT needs.

Anticipate, Don't Speculate

We proactively outline our technology plans for your business, including the associated budget, to ensure you have a clear understanding of what lies ahead.

What Distinguishes Us?

At Techcan Solution, we center our entire company on the synergy of talent and technology. With an unwavering commitment to our clients' success and a keen awareness of the IT landscape, our aim is to propel your business towards progress.


An Expert IT Company

Operating since 2019, we harness this extensive experience for the benefit of your business, allowing best practices to shape your technology strategy.


Dedicated Security Team

From our Virtual Chief Security Officers to our specialized security help desk, we are fortunate to have a team of top-notch cybersecurity experts on board.


Services Guarantee

Through well-defined Service Level Agreements, we establish clear service expectations. In the event of any shortfall, we're committed to providing you with a credit on your bill.


We’re Local!

We are deeply ingrained in the communities we serve, including our help desk personnel. Our understanding of your business runs deeper than that of a national managed IT services provider.

A Customized IT Plan

Frequently, businesses express that they lack a technology strategy that harmonizes with their business objectives. Their IT framework fails to bolster their progress. We harmonize IT to serve your interests.

Elevate Your Performance through Technology

Attain a tailor-made technical team, complete with a vCIO, who devises strategies leveraging technology for your business enhancement.

Benchmarks for Achievement

We conduct routine business evaluations, providing you with metrics to gauge advancement and a route map for continuous enhancement of your IT.


Industries We Serve

Banking & Finance

We work with community banks and financial organizations to help them navigate consistent audits and regulations.


We mitigate downtime so your production line runs smoothly. As CMMC regulations increase, we can help you stay compliant.


From law firms to engineering to architecture, we serve a variety of pro services clients, supporting their unique technological requirements.

Media and internet

Technology shouldn’t be a barrier to serving the community, which is why we help Non-Profit strategize on their IT.


IT is like many other service industries – when it comes to service quality, you get what you pay for.

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